Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Knitted Baby Jacket With Hood

Knitted Baby Jacket With Hood
I used 24" circular bamboo needles, turning at the end of each row as with single point needles.
The buttons are 3/4" white shell

SIZE:  1 yr
Finished Measurements: Chest 19”, Length 10 ½”
#5 yarn
6mm needles
M1 = make 1 st increase – knit into front of stitch. Do not remove st from left needle. Knit into back of same stitch. Remove stitch from left needle. 1 stitch increase made.

Cast on 64 sts.
Work in Garter st (k every row) until piece measures 5 ½” from beginning, end with a RS row.
Next Row (WS) Divide for Fronts and Back: K 17 sts and place these sts on holder for Left Front; k 30 sts and place these sts on holder for Back, k rem 17 sts for Right Front.

Continue in Garter st on Right Front sts only until Right Front measures 8” from beginning, end with a WS row.
Next Row (Buttonhole Row): K2, yarn over, knit 2 sts together, k to end of row.
Next 7 Rows: Knit.
Next Row (Buttonhole Row): K2, yarn over, knit 2 sts together, k to end of row.
Next Row: Knit.
Shape Neck. Next Row (RS): Bind off 9 sts, k to end of row - 8 sts rem. Continue in Garter st on remaining 8 sts until Right Front measures 10” from beginning. Bind off.

Transfer Left Front sts from holder to needle. From RS, join yarn and continue in Garter st until Left Front measures 9 ½” from beginning, end with a RS row.
Shape Neck. Next Row (WS): Bind off 9 sts, k to end of row - 8 sts rem. Conyinue in Garter st on remaining 8 sts until Left Front measures 10” from beginning. Bind off.

Transfer Back sts from holder to needle. From RS, join yarn and continue in Garter st until Back measures same as Front. Bind off.

SLEEVE (make 2)
Cast on 18 sts. Knit 4 rows in Garter st.
Next Row: K1, M1, k to last 2 sts, M1, k1 - 20 sts at end of row.
Repeat last 5 rows 7 more times - 34 sts
Continue in Garter st until Sleeve measures 7” from beginning. Bind off.

Cast on 48 sts. Knit in Garter st until piece measures 6 ½” from beginning. Bind off.

FINISHING: Sew shoulder seams. Sew Sleeve seams. Sew in Sleeves. Fold Hood in half and sew bound-off edge together for top of Hood. Sew Hood to neck edge. Sew buttons to Left Front, opposite buttonholes.

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